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As well as playing video games, watching movies and shows, and listening to music, I do also try to read books and play music, too.

Sand dunes at night

My favorite book is either Dune by Frank Herbert or All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. Dune is a great science fiction story about a war between two families/clans in a futuristic empire, set on a vast desert planet. The book has gotten a great movie adaptation. All Quiet on the Western Front is about a group of German soldiers and their experience fighting in World War I, and its mental toll. That book has also gotten a great movie adaptation.

My favorite book series is the Foundation trilogy by Isaac Asimov. It's based on the fall of the Roman Empire, but if it was set in the very distant future during the collapse of the great galactic empire. A scientist figures out a mathematical way to estimate the future and helps to begin a new government (the Foundation) that can preserve the knowledge of the universe before the empire crumbles and gives way to anarchy. It's cool to see the Foundation go from a small group of scientists on their new planet having a hard time dealing with the nearby tyrannical governments, to easily being the dominant force in the galaxy, both technologically and mentally.

In my life, I've played trumpet, guitar, and bass. Overall, I think my favorite to play is guitar, but my favorite instrument in music is easily the bass guitar. I have quite a few guitars, and a bass, but I don't play them as much as I should, sadly. I recently bought a PRS Silver Sky SE, which I greatly enjoy. It's probably the best looking and best playing guitar I've ever had. Despite not playing as much as I should, I've managed to be in quite a few bands for a hobby over the past few years, and those were pretty fun.